Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stronger bones and teeth anyone?

    I will warn you, this is a longer post but full of great information.  As I keep learning more about nutrition and eating to become a healthier me. Actually I am soaking it up like a sponge! I have been doing more research regarding bone broths. Well it started out as chicken broth, and then turned in to looking at bone broths, and how good are for us.  The following are excerpts from Nourishing Traditions, and Nourished Kitchen.  

Modern nutritional research continues to prove what traditional cultures learned through observation over time, when we eat a specific part of an animal, it nourishes that same part of our body.
One example of this like supports like principle can be found in Dr. Catherine Shanahanʼs book, Deep Nutrition. Dr. Shanahan explains that the highest source of available vitamin A known to man isnʼt in a carrot or broccoli, but found in the tissue in the back of the eyeball. As vitamin A is known to specifically support healthy eyesight (among many other crucial health supporting roles), it goes without saying that if we consume what Dr. Shanahan calls “those nasty bits,” we will receive the nutritional bounty contained within to support our expression of optimal health. Broths and stocks provide a very easy way to incorporate the health giving benefits of all those culturally unappealing “nasty bits” into our regular diet.
   Wouldnʼt it be great if there was a type of intelligence that made it where we could eat a nutrient and have it go to a specific part of the body that needed it most? Well, there is such intelligence in nutrient-dense foods such as bone broths. This concept of an intelligence of a specific nutrient we consume to have an affinity to the same tissues within our own bodies is amazingly simple to our over-intellectualizing culture. Modern science still hasnʼt figured out how this intelligence works but they know that certain compounds have an affinity for certain tissues.

Bone Broths & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bone tissue relates to the kidneys according to Chinese medical theory. So, given the theory of like supports like, consuming bone tissue will support the kidneys and therefore the bones (including the teeth).
The Chinese medical perspective includes the adrenals as part of the system they call the kidneys. So, bone broth directly supports adrenal function. It is recognized that the adrenals perform so many hormonal functions vital to our immune health. Adrenal fatigue is another one of those ʻelephants in the living roomʼ that so many of us in the real food movement are talking about yet remains unheard of in mainstream media. 

Bone Broths and Adrenal Support

Bone broths provide the adrenal glands with the much needed nutritional support to help make the shift from survive to thrive. Dr. Shanahan even suggests that the nutritional matrix in bone broths may actually help patch the holes in the kidney tissue that cause the kidneys to function less optimally.

Massive bone support

Bone stock is rich with minerals. Isnʼt it interesting that within bone broth are the exact minerals, in the proper proportions, that our teeth are also made of? 65% of the mineral mass of bone is made up of calcium and phosphorus – the two main minerals that compose our teeth. When making bone broths we stew the bones for several hours, even days, the stock itself becomes very rich with minerals.
Itʼs interesting to note that the bones after making stock are so soft you can push your thumb nail into them. That tells you that the minerals that were in the bone are now in the bone broth.
How does this translate into stronger, healthier teeth that resist decay and even can heal from tooth decay? Well, the mechanism the body utilizes to remineralize the tooth enamel is through the saliva. Provided that the diet has sufficient minerals, the saliva will have the necessary minerals to interact with the tooth enamel to remineralize the teeth. Bone broth provides the necessary minerals in the proper, combinations, to make them available for use throughout the body. (See video Mouth Probiotics to learn more about the role saliva plays in creating greater oral health).
The reason the concept of tooth remineralization is not present in the culture at large is due to the fact that our diets, for the most part, are miserably deficient in the minerals necessary to optimize health.
Making bone stocks is an easy way to massively raise the minerals in oneʼs diet. But the benefits of bone broth go well beyond mineral content.

With healthy fats, heirloom vegetables. Broth, you see, is a nutritional powerhouse.  It is extraordinarily rich in easy-to-assimilate minerals, amino acids and goodies like glucosamine chondroitin. (You know that good stuff for your joints)  Its gelatin helps to heal the gut, which is why it plays such an integral role in the GAPS diet, and it provides powerful medicine – particularly in combating colds and flus. 

So mom and grandma was right to make you chicken noodle soup when you were sick. (the homemade kind, not the one from a can with all that salt and other preservatives.) I know this was a lengthy post but I think so full of great information, to help us get back to old traditions of cooking that can lead to a stronger and more healthier you. You can find the broth recipe in the recipe section of the blog. So make and enjoy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Can you do healthly on Vacation?

I am back!  We can do anything we set our mind too! I know this to be true. I started this journey about 15 months ago, and still going strong. Don't get me wrong there are times that I don't try as hard. Then I remember how far I have come and there is no going back for me.

As many of you know my guys and I took a mini vacation to Leavenworth this past week. We ate out most of the time, (not so good for the pocketbook) and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Breakfast was at the hotel, John and I split a waffle and I had eggs and sausage, with tea. Very yummy! For lunch and dinners,  I had mostly salad, and I have learned a few tricks to keep from going overboard on salad dressing. Ask for the dressing on the side, and dip your fork in the dressing and then your salad. I have also learned that salsa can be a great alternative for any salad, and better for you. What about exercise you might say. Well most hotels have a room just for that, ( that is not my thing). For me exercise HAS to be something that I love to do. The hotel also had an indoor pool, but alas I couldn't do that ether (woman issues) too bad cause I love the pool! So that left walking, that works for me. We walked everywhere, great exercise and nice on the gas tank. That is a win win situation if you ask me. All it takes is a few little tweaks here and there to make your vacation a bit healthier. I challenge you to make some tweaks of your own and tell me what you did. Till next time...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is there a difference between organic and non-organic foods?

  I used to think that there wasn't much of a difference between organic and non-organic foods. But after some digging. I have changed my mind on the matter.  This is just some of the info that I have come across, and I think this information needs to be shared (cause I love you all).
  Rutgers University USA did a study, and this is what they found. Sorry for the smallness of it, hope you read it.

   I encourage  you read the book Back to the Basics of Human Health by Mary Frost. She talks about  "avoiding the fads, trends, and bold-faced lies. Why the low-fat diet has made our nation fatter. Why more Americans than ever are fatigued, overweight and depressed. Why the vitamins "off the shelf" aren't giving you the results you want."
  Did you know that  in order to get the iron that was is one cup of spinach in 1945, today we would have to eat 65 cups. Crazy if you ask me...
    Also "food for thought" This morning I made a protein smoothy (I will post the recipe on the recipe page) with organic frozen blueberries when I opened the bag, they smelled so good and the sent was very strong. I have not had that happen before with other frozen berries. That should tell us something too. Well I will get off my soap box now. Till next time...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I have to say sorry,  this week I will not be posting anything new. Due to a death in the family. But I hope to be back with more encouragement for you all soon. Till then sending blessings your way.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I feel I need to say this, I am not a nutritionist (yet ;) this info is based on my findings and option. I encourage you to do some of your own research and see where it leads you.

Whole wheat is not what it is cracked up to be

So the food industry is pushing eating whole wheat these days and it can be good to add it to your diet. But please be aware that it is only good for you if you buy organic wheat that has not been genetically modified. After all the research I have done and heard, I have a sneaking suspicion that it (GMO) is the reason for all the gluten intolerance that is cropping up (pardon the pun). So here is something I have learned.
 Think of the pen above as a stock of wheat, so when God made the wheat, only the little tip of the pen (where my pinky is) was the gluten, and the rest was wheat.

 Now after being messed with only the the tip (where my index finger is) is really wheat and the rest is gluten. Our bodies are not made to brake down that much gluten.

 For us we have been toying with the idea of going completely gluten free for Nick, to help him with his busyness, and focus. A few symptoms of gluten sensitivity are: Emotional Instability, restlessness, poor comprehension, vomiting, headache, behavior problems in children,  and impaired attention. These are just some of the symptoms, and the ones I have noticed in Nick. The symptoms will appear 10 mins to 2 hours after consuming a product that has gluten in it. Also another fun fact, (she said sarcastically) Envelope glue is made from gluten as well. I am still learning but we are absolutely  going to make that change for him.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A change for the better!

             Psalms 139:14 says " I praise you because I am fearfully and  wonderfully made;"

  As a lot of you know, a little over a year ago, John and I started changing the way we eat. Also the way we look at food, to get healthier. We have both lost weight, John almost 50lbs. and I am down too and we have changed our mindset. That was the biggest  hurdle to overcome (for me anyway).  We still have a long way to go but I can tell you it is so worth all the hard work and effort to feel better. Today I saw a nutritionist (who is a wonderful lady and approaches things from a Christan view). It is amazing how God made our bodies to work and work together so well when we feed it correctly. That old saying "You are what you eat" takes on new meaning for me now. I just can't keep this information to myself anymore. So coming in this blog you will find some nutrition info, healthy recipes, and every now and then, I'll throw in some useful info for the home. Please bare with me as I get things squared away. Till then...