Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Can you do healthly on Vacation?

I am back!  We can do anything we set our mind too! I know this to be true. I started this journey about 15 months ago, and still going strong. Don't get me wrong there are times that I don't try as hard. Then I remember how far I have come and there is no going back for me.

As many of you know my guys and I took a mini vacation to Leavenworth this past week. We ate out most of the time, (not so good for the pocketbook) and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Breakfast was at the hotel, John and I split a waffle and I had eggs and sausage, with tea. Very yummy! For lunch and dinners,  I had mostly salad, and I have learned a few tricks to keep from going overboard on salad dressing. Ask for the dressing on the side, and dip your fork in the dressing and then your salad. I have also learned that salsa can be a great alternative for any salad, and better for you. What about exercise you might say. Well most hotels have a room just for that, ( that is not my thing). For me exercise HAS to be something that I love to do. The hotel also had an indoor pool, but alas I couldn't do that ether (woman issues) too bad cause I love the pool! So that left walking, that works for me. We walked everywhere, great exercise and nice on the gas tank. That is a win win situation if you ask me. All it takes is a few little tweaks here and there to make your vacation a bit healthier. I challenge you to make some tweaks of your own and tell me what you did. Till next time...

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