Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is there a difference between organic and non-organic foods?

  I used to think that there wasn't much of a difference between organic and non-organic foods. But after some digging. I have changed my mind on the matter.  This is just some of the info that I have come across, and I think this information needs to be shared (cause I love you all).
  Rutgers University USA did a study, and this is what they found. Sorry for the smallness of it, hope you read it.

   I encourage  you read the book Back to the Basics of Human Health by Mary Frost. She talks about  "avoiding the fads, trends, and bold-faced lies. Why the low-fat diet has made our nation fatter. Why more Americans than ever are fatigued, overweight and depressed. Why the vitamins "off the shelf" aren't giving you the results you want."
  Did you know that  in order to get the iron that was is one cup of spinach in 1945, today we would have to eat 65 cups. Crazy if you ask me...
    Also "food for thought" This morning I made a protein smoothy (I will post the recipe on the recipe page) with organic frozen blueberries when I opened the bag, they smelled so good and the sent was very strong. I have not had that happen before with other frozen berries. That should tell us something too. Well I will get off my soap box now. Till next time...

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