Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Info on the Detox

     This is for all you that want to feel better and get a jump start on your weight loss goals. This has been adapted from the Diet Free Life Detox Drop. You can do a 3 day or 6 days. Let me quickly say that this may not be what some consider a true detox. For myself though, it did work wonderfully! I got tons more energy, was not having trouble sleeping any more, just feel better over all. That saying, "You are what you eat" has new meaning for me now. I had to adapt it due to the lack of funds to get the real kit. So without further adieu here is the menu that I followed...

 7 am  (Breakfast-2 eggs, and a whole grapefruit or (protein shake)

     9am    (Snack- organic apple juice 8oz.

12pm  (Lunch-5oz chicken and salad 2 to 3 cups or (protein shake)

     3pm    (Snack-organic apple juice 8oz. or Trader Joe's tomato soup 1 cup

6pm   (Dinner-5oz. chicken, turkey, or fish and 2 to 3 cups of salad or cauliflower, broccoli, or other good veggies, or ( protein  shake )

     9pm    (Snack-Trader Joe's Tomato soup 1 cup

This was my schedule, but you can change it to work for you, just remember to eat every two to three hours, and up to an hour before bed.

Do's: Do drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily. This will help your kidneys eliminate toxins. Do drink cleansing teas like Milk thistle, Ginger, and Dandelion Root along with Green, Peppermint or Chamomile tea when possible. No sugar in tea. Do choose a protein powder with at least 15 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Do use a variety of fresh, frozen organic fruit, choose from, any berries.

Don't's: Don't drink anything other than what is specified above. A simple iced tea or soda whether full of sugar or "diet", will derail the plan. Don't use any sweeteners (simple sugars or artificial sweeteners) they will alter your metabolism and interfere with the detoxification process.

 Get as much organic as you can that will help you feel the best. Trader Joe's usually has the best prices on produce, I have found. When cooking your veggies it is important that you steam, broil, poach, bake, or BBQ grill. You don't want to boil the veggies, it will cause leaching of the vitamins.
As you eliminate toxins, you may feel light-headed or dizzy for a day or two. If this persists, stop the detox. While eliminating toxins, some people feel tired and fatigued while most find their energy increases. If you are feeling tired, be sure to get extra rest to help your body do its job. Your sleep habits might change. You may find that you need more or less sleep during you cleans. Listen to your body and do what it wants. Due to possible changes in energy and the stress of eliminating toxins, it is recommended that you perform light to moderate exercise, but put off high intensity workouts until the completion of the detox. Although rare, you may breakout in blemishes, rashes or get a boil as toxins leave the body.

You may experience an increase in the frequency of bowel movements. Your urine may be darker than normal or have an odd odor. Be sure to drink you water to help keep hydrated and to continually flush the toxins out of you body. You may experience bad breath or an increase in body odor. Toxins will leave the body as they choose. I had several of these happen to me so I know it worked for me. As always, consult with your doctor before beginning this or any weight loss program. Now, to get to the smoothy recipes.

Vanilla Blue
*1/2 cup crushed ice (optional)
*1 scoop or 4TBSP vanilla protein powder
*1 cup frozen or fresh bluberries
*1 small banana, sliced
*6 to 8 oz water

Pomegranate Blend
*1/2 cup crushed ice (optional)
*1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
*1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries
*1/2 cup organic unsweetened pomegranate juice
*1 scoop or 4 TBSP vanilla protein powder

Misty Red
*1/2 cup crushed ice (optional)
*2 cups frozen or fresh strawberries
*1/2 cup organic unsweetened orange juice
* 1 scoop or 4 TBSP vanilla protein powder

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope this works for you as well as you did for me.

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