Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I have to say sorry,  this week I will not be posting anything new. Due to a death in the family. But I hope to be back with more encouragement for you all soon. Till then sending blessings your way.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I feel I need to say this, I am not a nutritionist (yet ;) this info is based on my findings and option. I encourage you to do some of your own research and see where it leads you.

Whole wheat is not what it is cracked up to be

So the food industry is pushing eating whole wheat these days and it can be good to add it to your diet. But please be aware that it is only good for you if you buy organic wheat that has not been genetically modified. After all the research I have done and heard, I have a sneaking suspicion that it (GMO) is the reason for all the gluten intolerance that is cropping up (pardon the pun). So here is something I have learned.
 Think of the pen above as a stock of wheat, so when God made the wheat, only the little tip of the pen (where my pinky is) was the gluten, and the rest was wheat.

 Now after being messed with only the the tip (where my index finger is) is really wheat and the rest is gluten. Our bodies are not made to brake down that much gluten.

 For us we have been toying with the idea of going completely gluten free for Nick, to help him with his busyness, and focus. A few symptoms of gluten sensitivity are: Emotional Instability, restlessness, poor comprehension, vomiting, headache, behavior problems in children,  and impaired attention. These are just some of the symptoms, and the ones I have noticed in Nick. The symptoms will appear 10 mins to 2 hours after consuming a product that has gluten in it. Also another fun fact, (she said sarcastically) Envelope glue is made from gluten as well. I am still learning but we are absolutely  going to make that change for him.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A change for the better!

             Psalms 139:14 says " I praise you because I am fearfully and  wonderfully made;"

  As a lot of you know, a little over a year ago, John and I started changing the way we eat. Also the way we look at food, to get healthier. We have both lost weight, John almost 50lbs. and I am down too and we have changed our mindset. That was the biggest  hurdle to overcome (for me anyway).  We still have a long way to go but I can tell you it is so worth all the hard work and effort to feel better. Today I saw a nutritionist (who is a wonderful lady and approaches things from a Christan view). It is amazing how God made our bodies to work and work together so well when we feed it correctly. That old saying "You are what you eat" takes on new meaning for me now. I just can't keep this information to myself anymore. So coming in this blog you will find some nutrition info, healthy recipes, and every now and then, I'll throw in some useful info for the home. Please bare with me as I get things squared away. Till then...